HifairTM V2 Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit(UDG Plus) is a multiplex quantitative PCR kit based on RNA as template. In the process of the experiment, reverse transcription and quantitative PCR were carried out in the same tube, which simplified the experimental operation and reduced the risk of contamination.

In this kit, the first strand cDNA was efficiently synthesized by heat-resistant HifairTM Reverse Transcriptase and quantitatively amplified by UNICONTM HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase. The kit mainly contains optimized MP buffer, enzymes mix, GC-Enhancer etc. The buffer solution already contains Mg2+ and dNTP. In addition, the factors that can effectively inhibit the non-specific PCR amplification and improve the amplification efficiency of multiple qPCR reactions are added, which can ensure the amplification efficiency and carry out up to multiple amplification reaction. The dUTP/UDG system was added to effectively prevent the risk of aerosol contamination.

  • good versatility:It is suitable for qPCR amplification and detection of nucleic acids of pathogenic microorganisms, human genomes, plants and other species;
  • High sensitivity:The carefully optimized buffer system improves the detection sensitivity of low-concentration templates up to 250 copies/mL;
  • dUP/UDG anti-pollution system:dUTP/ Heat-labile UDG anti-pollution system is introduced to degrade aerosol pollution of products efficiently, reduce false positive, and ensure authentic results;
  • Support fast program: compatible with fast program, 40min can produce results;
  • Super stability: stabel at 37℃ for 14 days,repeated freezing and thawing 10 times.

Partial performance display

High sensitivity

1)4 respiratory targets were detected

2)3 heavy pig diarrhea targets

Excellent stability

1)The reagent is placed under different temperature and time conditions, and the detection performance is stable, up to 37℃ for 14 days.

red:-20℃ 14d;blue:4℃ 7d;green:4℃ 14d;yellow:37℃ 7d;rose red:37℃ 14d.

2)The reagent is freeze-thawed at different temperatures and has stable performance.

green:Store at -20℃;rose red:Use dry ice to freeze and thaw the product ten times;yellow:Freeze and thaw the product 10 times at -20℃ and room temperature.

3)Transport and freeze-thaw stability

red:product store at -20℃;blue:product from Shanghai and Hainan after round-trip transportation;green:After round-trip transportation between Shanghai and Hainan, the reagent is frozen and thawed 10 times before use.

Product list

Product type

Product function

Product name


RT-qPCR mix

Universal, high sensitivity and fast

Hifair® C203P1 Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit(UDG Plus)


Universal and full premix

Hifair® V Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit(UDG Plus)


Universal , fast and Lyo-Ready

Hifair® Lyo Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Kit


qPCR mix

3rd general-purpose fully premixed reagent with high sensitivity and support for fast procedures

Hieff Unicon® Universal TaqMan Pro U+ qPCR Mix(One Tube)


Universal, high sensitivity(5×buffer)

Hieff Unicon® Universal TaqMan Multiplex qPCR Master Mix(UDG plus)


2nd general-purpose fully premixed reagent and support for fast procedures

Hieff Unicon® Superpro Ⅰ TaqMan qPCR Master Mix(UDG plus)


Ultra-low host residue

Hieff Unicon® Purepro Ⅰ TaqMan qPCR Master Mix(UDG plus)


Universal ,high sensitivity and Lyo-Ready

Hieff Unicon® Universal TaqMan Multiplex qPCR Master Mix(UDG plus)

