2× Hieff™ Ultra-Rapid II HotStart Universal PCR Master Mix _ 10167ES

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SKU: 10167ES03

Size: 1mL
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2×HieffTM Ultra-Rapid II HotStart PCR Master Mix contains heat-stabilized Taq DNA Polymerase modified with antibodies, adds strong elongation factor and optimized buffer system, and has super high amplification efficiency. It is very suitable for PCR amplification of most colonies such as E. coliAgrobacterium, and yeast. The extension speed of amplification of complex templates within 3 kb can reach 1 sec/kb, 3-6 kb to 3 sec/kb, 6-10 kb to 5 sec/kb and 10 kb to 10 sec/kb; the amplification speed of simple templates such as plasmid within 6 kb can reach 1 sec/kb, which can greatly save PCR reaction time. Meanwhile, Mix contains dNTPs, Mg2+, and it can be amplified only with adding primers and template. In addition, Mix contains red tracer dye, which can be used by electrophoresis directly after the end of the reaction. The protective agent added to the system enables the product to maintain a stable activity after repeated freezing and thawing. The 3′ end of the PCR product bands A and can be easily cloned into the T vector.



Rapid PCR: 1 sec/kb

High GC tolerant 

Dye Plus


Long PCR

Colony Direct PCR



Product specification

Master Mix



Hot Start

Built-in Hot Start


3 '-A

Reaction speed


Size (Final Product)

Up to 15 kb

Conditions for transportation

Dry ice


1. Nest PCR 

Cited from: Front. Microbiol. 15, 2024

2. Crispr Genotyping 

Cited from: Viruses 2024, 16(9), 1382;

3. Colony Direct PCR

Fig 1. Fast Colony Direct PCR with E. coli and Agrobacterium samples using 4 different speed of 1: 1s/kb, 2: 3s/kb, 3: 5s/kb and 4: 10s/kb. M: 10,000 DNA Marker (10505ES).

4. Long PCR with Genomic DNA

Fig. 2. Fast amplification of 1-10 kb mouse gDNA shows high yield and a high speed at 10 sec/kb. M: 10,000 DNA Marker (10505ES). 

5. High Stability 


The products should be stored at -25~-15℃ for 2 years.



10167ES 2×Hieff® Ultra-Rapid II HotStart PCR Master Mix-Ver.EN20240517.pdf


[1] Rapid, sensitive, and visual detection of mandarin fish ranavirus and infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus using an RPA-CRISPR/Cas12a system,Front. Microbiol. , 13 December 2024, Sec. Virology, Volume 15, 2024 

[2] CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Resistance to Wheat Dwarf Virus in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Viruses 202416(9), 1382;


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