Deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) from bovine pancreas (≥2000 U/mg) _ 10608ES

SKU: 10608ES25

Size: 25 mg (50 KU)
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Deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), also known as Deoxyribonuclease I, is a nuclease found in various cells and tissues, classified as an endonuclease that targets the phosphodiester bonds adjacent to pyrimidines, producing polynucleotides with a phosphate group at the 5' end and a hydroxyl group at the 3' end, with an average digestion product minimum of a tetranucleotide. DNase can catalyze various forms of DNA, such as single-stranded DNA, double-stranded DNA, and even chromatin (the cleavage rate is influenced by histones). The optimal working range is pH 7-8, and the activity of DNase depends on Ca 2+, and can be activated by divalent metal ions such as Co 2+, Mn 2+, Zn 2+, etc. 5 mM Ca 2+ can protect the enzyme from hydrolysis. In the presence of Mg 2+, the enzyme can randomly recognize and cleave at any site on either strand of DNA; Whereas under the conditions of Mn 2+, it can simultaneously recognize both strands of DNA and cleave at nearly the same site. DNase I was first isolated from the pancreas, and to this day, the pancreas of mammals remains one of the main sources of this enzyme.

This product is derived from bovine pancreas and is commonly used in molecular biology experiments to remove DNA from proteins or to introduce nicks into DNA for the insertion of labeled bases. This product is supplied in powder form, with enzyme activity ≥ 2000 Kunitz Units/mg protein.


Lyophilized powder

Low RNase residue



Used for bioprocesses of removing DNA from protein and cells samples

Single-cell suspension preparation to decreases viscosity by removing DNA

Radioactive labelling and DNA nick translation

DNase footprinting

Eliminating genomic DNA from RNA preparations



CAS Number



~31 kDa

Kunitz Units

≥2000Kunitz Units/mg protein


Type IV

Optimal pH



White to light yellow powder


Protein: ≥80% by Biuret


Various divalent metal ions such as Mg 2+, Mn 2+,Ca2+, Co2+, and Zn2+


β-mercaptoethanol; chelating agents; SDS; actin

Unit Definition

Under the conditions of 25 ℃ and pH 5.0, a change in Δ A 260 of 0.001 per milliliter per minute due to DNase catalyzing the substrate DNA is defined as one enzyme activity unit (Kunitz unit).


Reference Data

Cited from". Dual-mechanism based CTLs infiltration enhancement initiated by Nano-sapper potentiates immunotherapy against immune-excluded tumors. Nat Commun."

Shipping and Storage

The product should be stored at -25°C ~ -15℃ for 2 years.


Safety Data Sheet



10608 Manual

 Citations & References:

[1] Wang Z, Gong X, Li J, et al. Oxygen-Delivering Polyfluorocarbon Nanovehicles Improve Tumor Oxygenation and Potentiate Photodynamic-Mediated Antitumor Immunity. ACS Nano. 2021;15(3):5405-5419. doi:10.1021/acsnano.1c00033(IF:15.881)

[2] Huang Y, Chen Y, Zhou S, et al. Dual-mechanism based CTLs infiltration enhancement initiated by Nano-sapper potentiates immunotherapy against immune-excluded tumors. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):622. Published 2020 Jan 30. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14425-7(IF:12.121)

[3] Wang Y, Gong X, Li J, et al. M2 macrophage microvesicle-inspired nanovehicles improve accessibility to cancer cells and cancer stem cells in tumors. J Nanobiotechnology. 2021;19(1):397. Published 2021 Nov 27. doi:10.1186/s12951-021-01143-5(IF:10.435)

[4] Liu J, Shen Z, Tang J, et al. Extracellular DNA released by glycine-auxotrophic Staphylococcus epidermidis small colony variant facilitates catheter-related infections. Commun Biol. 2021;4(1):904. Published 2021 Jul 22. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02423-4(IF:6.268)

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