Endonuclease VIII(10 U/μL) _ 14536ES

SKU: 14536ES80

Size: 1000 U
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Endonuclease VIII is a DNA repair enzyme that possesses both N-glycosylase activity and AP-lyase activity. The N-glycosylase activity can release damaged pyrimidine bases from double-stranded DNA, creating an abasic (AP) site. The AP-lyase activity then cleaves the phosphodiester bond at the AP site, resulting in a gap with a 5' phosphate and a 3' phosphate. The damaged bases that Endonuclease VIII recognizes and excises include: urea, 5,6-dihydroxythymine, thymine glycol, 5-hydroxy-5-methoxyhydantoin, uracil glycol, 6-hydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymidine, and methylhydroxypropanone.


No residual of exonucleases, endonucleases, or RNases

High-efficiency removal of damaged bases


Single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay)

Alkaline elution

Alkaline unwinding



E. coli

Molecular Weight

29 KDa


10 U/μL

Unit Definition

One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to cleave 1 pmol of a 34 bp oligonucleotide duplex containing one AP site* in a 10 µL total reaction system with 10 pmol of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide duplex in 1X Endonuclease VIII Reaction buffer at 37°C within 1 hour

Inactivation Conditions

Incubate at 75°C for 10 minutes


Components No.





Endonuclease VIII(10 U/μL)

100 μL

500 μL


10 × Endonuclease VIII Reaction Buffer

1.5 mL

1.5 mL

Shipping and Storage

The products should be stored at -25℃ ~ -15℃ for 1 year.



Figure1. Base excision repair effect comparison

Note: 20 pmol of oligonucleotides were catalyzed by Endonuclease VIII from Yeasen and SupplierA, respectively, in a 20 µL reaction system with the addition of 5~40 U of Endonuclease VIII and equivalent enzyme activity of UDG (Cat#10303ES), and incubated at 37 for 1 hour. The results of agarose gel electrophoresis showed that the base excision effects of Yeasen 's Endonuclease VIII and Supplier A's were consistent.


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